Last week, BC Almanac posted this photo sent by a Victoria listener to their Twitter feed during their gardening segment with Brian Minter. Doesn't look like any of their Twitter followers have been able to identify. Any idea what it is? It looks like the leaves behind are from a rhododendron...
Yes, Anemone coronaria with a slightly malformed multicarpellate gynoecium. Leaves in the background belong to rhododendrons by the looks of it.
Anemone coronaria (Harmony Blue) seems to be the consensus especially when you factor in the "malformed" aspect. Further confirmed when I expanded the original photo--you can spot anemone leaves peeking out from beneath the flower in the bottom left of the photo. Some I showed it to thought it was too flat for an anemone, but I found this photo that demonstrates the "flat" tendency, although seemingly not as prevalent as the "fluffier" versions. Thanks, Eric & Daniel for confirming--I'll post on CBC's Twitter feed. the bottom left of the photo the bottom left of the photo the bottom left of the photo the bottom left of the photo .