Found this growing in a field. It looks like a split leaf Gunnera quite airy and light. The stems are exactly like a gunnera, kinda prickly. I dug it up the smallest version and brought it home. The grown up version is 10 - 12 feet high and about the same spread. Smacks of Gunnera to me but I'm wrong all the time. I've attached a pic of the small one. Sygrid
At first glance this looks like it could be giant hogweed which can cause irritation, blistering and dermatitis. I wouldn't handle it until you identify it.
Thanx, have heard of it but have never seen it. Is it of the Gunnera family... not that it matters...consider it gone!
just looked it up online. Thank you both. I have a daughter who would undoubtedly have hidden amidst the leaves. thanx again, Sygrid