Hello there...I recently found this cactus discarded along the roadside. It looked to be in pretty good condition so I figured Id try nurse it back to life. Can someone please tell me what it is so I can do some reading about its care? Thank you kelley
thanks thank you for the help....please disregard the other posting, I didnt realize this one had worked!! thanks again!
I hate to be contrary, but this plant is undoubtedly a Pachypodium species, probably P. lamerei. It is a pachycaul (stem succulent) member of the Apocynaceae (dog-bane family) from Madagascar. It appears to have lost its leaves, but the genus is unmistakable from the size, shape and the pattern of its its spiny stems. This species is commercially grown in the millions and is often called Madagascar palm (it is not a palm). It has frangipani (Plumeria) type flowers, but these are seldom seen in cultivation.
thank you mr. justice, that will certainly help me find info on how to take care of it. Its actually been doing quite well since I last posted. The leaves have grown in and its very pretty. thanks for the information Kelley