I posted this plant once before at a less developed stage and someone suggest "lilium." I wonder if lilium is still valid and if so, -- which lilium. I just cannot find anything like it im my circle of reference books and sites. As you can see the lower whorl can be either 5 or 6 leaves on different individuals.
Probably one of the orange lilies. It won't be long until it blooms. This page has several listed. LINK
Thank you. I believe what is shown in the 2nd and 3rd pictures "is" the final bloom. I should have given a size reference. This plant seems to top out from 12 to 14-inches, in height and is found in a moderate to densely canopied hardwood forest.
Still a lilium, just a very unusual one. The 3 petals/3 sepals arrangement, along with the "floating" anthers, are very well visible in pic #3. Sorry, though, I don't recognise the species.