Flowering vine in my L.A. backyard. Flowers 4-6 cm across, bright yellow, flat blossoms with 5 petals, something like a primrose or wild rose. Leaves 8-12 cm long, 3-4 cm across, hairless, shiny, smooth edgeds, shaped like "()", leaf stems 1/2 cm. stems. Long vigorous climbing tendrils, 1/2 - 1 cm diameter, 10-15 feet long. This poor gal is stuck in the dense shade of an overhanging tree, and hasn't blossomed in 3-5 years since the tree overwhelmed it. I'd like to transplant it to a sunnier location, but should check on its hardiness first, if I knew what it is.
Just a shot in the dark: http://ag.arizona.edu/yuma/urbanhor...e_Mascagnia_macroptera/yellow_orchid_vine.htm Any chance of a photo?
Good shot, leaves look right, flowers are close, but I haven't seen a flower in years, no pix. I'd like to see the vine(s) up close, but the site picture was too low a resolution. Now I've got something to look up in the plant books. Thanks.
Here is a google image search for Mascagnia macroptera. If the result contains a flower unlike the yellow one of M. macroptera, then it is most likely the previous one in a list of plant photos or misidentified. To do an image search, just click on "images" left hand side of screen in a google search result or "images" above the entry box at www.google.com. Harry