I got this branch clipping off of one of my jobs and rooted it and planted in ground.Don't know what it is? white flowers approx 2 inches in diamater, the flowers smelled so great i just had to have,the fragerance is awsome,hopefully you can give me a clue as to what it is,the bush was about 7 feet tall,if can't help i'll just have to wait till it flowers and send pics,hopefully you get this picture i'm sending of plant now it's about 8 inches tall,THANX
Gardenia galore I'm very fond of the Gardenia and have a hundred or so planted around the yard. several varities, Looks more like the traditional plant that blooms starting in 2nd week of May (in Texas) the larger the plant the more blooms. After blooming is complete take several cuttings of the woody stem in 3 - 4 inch sections place in a pot in some shade. You can put twenty or so cuttings in a single pot. Six to eight weeks you should have quite a few starters to pot up for next spring and add to your new hedge.