Hello everyone! I would like some help in identifying some flowers and would be most grateful to those who reply. I know they look like Morning Glorys but they just don't seem right. The flower petals are a bit off as are the leaves. The white one The dark pink one The light pink one The leaves and the seeds (At this picture, there's no more flowers left so I assume they're seeds.) I know the seeds are hard to see, but I just wanted a good shot of the leaves. Thanks for reading! :) J.
Thank you very much. I did a bit more digging with your answer and found that Hibiscus syriacus is very close if not exactly the right one. :) Thanks again!
Hibiscus syriacus except for the second ("dark") one, which is something else - maybe a Malva. Possibly the first one also is actually another kind, can't make out leaves well enough to be sure.
Hello everybody, this is my first post at Botanical. It seems to me that the first and the second ones are Althea rosea. They make a long vertical spike where the flowers are attached on.
Unlikely. Most Hibiscus and Althea have leaves that are edible for people (at least, when young and tender!); while cats differ from people in what they can eat, the risks are low.