Any guesses? Found in Rocky area in Northern New Hamshire. Either I've never seen it before or just never noticed. This picture doesn't do the color justice. It's a very velvet kind of crimson red color, very rich.
its a Trillium. Mostly found here in Canada, especially in the wooded area of Ontario-where its our Provincial Flower. If you dig it up, make sure you get the roots and plant in a shaded area, lots of leaf and dark loomy soil, it will flourish and eventually spread. It is a very lovely plant for early spring, flowers to mid june-if not too hot, likes some sun (but not out in the open), easy to propgate.
In general, removal of wildflowers from natural sites should only be done in instances where the land is going to be altered by development such that the conditions for growth will be changed to the point that the population of plants will disappear anyway. The corollary to that is that (almost invariably) removal of plant material from parks is illegal.
There are places that you can purchase red Trillium erectum (possibly Trillium sulcatum) along with other wildflowers like lady slippers. A few years ago I picked up some red, white and yellow trillium at the local Lowes hardware store for a dollar each. There is no need to dig from wild!! Besides, the failure rate from the wild is too great too expend the effort! All the ones I planted from lowes came up great!.