I hope these photos are helpful enough to find the names of these flowers. #1 Sorry I don't have the leaves in the photo, these blooms are just a little smaller then the size of a dime. #2 Is a tree of course. I thought it was a Snow White Flowering Crabapple, but now I'm not so sure. Not that I'm an expert, it was a guess from looking at photos in a google search. #3 Is from a hedge that's in front of my apartment complex. To me it kinda looks like an azalea, but it seems to dense and large and I don't think of azalea's as a hedge type plant. I did get part of a leaf...somewhat...it's thick and waxy. #4 About a foot tall in many different colors, pink, white, red, purple and peach color. If you could help, I thank you very much in advance!! I do have more flower photos I'll add a little later.
#1 - Kalanchoe blossfeldiana #2 - Pyrus sp. (?) #4 - Phlox sp. (most likely P. paniculata) About the third plant, I think it would help if you could take a photo of the foliage (even if the plant is not in bloom anymore, or is it?).
I went up and took some photos of #3. It's no longer blooming. This is how they have it manicured in front of the office. I took a photo of the branches and a close up of a leaf. I hope it helps. Thank you for the help Axel!!
That's it!! Thank you!! I gotta ask about #2. Those trees line a lot of the shopping malls here and they don't have fruit. So, I'm not sure if that's right. I know you put the (?). I'm posting another picture of it. Not sure if it'll help.