Thanks in advance. These are from the web, public domain, and I plan to make mandala images out of them. - David
# 1 looks llike a flowering maple.(Abutilon megapotamincum)nope sorry second look i see the leaves now tis not a maple at all it is some kind of rose very pretty, but good luck finding the name there are some 20,000 verieties of rose and new ones comming out every year! .and #5 something like a papaver.. #2 definately an Anemone # 3 looks like a argyranthemum but hard to tell with out the leaf. and #4 well hey send me some seed cause that is some wicked cool looking flower!!! it is almost like some freakish mutated hellianthus!
#1 is a rose #2 Pericallis #4 probably Argyranthemum #5 looks like Ranunculus (possibly R. asiaticus)