Ferns? Help me ID

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by IrishAirWolf, Apr 9, 2005.

  1. IrishAirWolf

    IrishAirWolf Member

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    Oregon, USA
    I attach a scan of the tip of the fronds? of 3 fern like plants I found in a NW Portland, Oregon wooded area. The plants were large and bushy. They were about 2 to 3 feet high and had many large fronds coming from a central base. Each frond? (I have no idea what I should be calling these) had many smaller bracts? fronds? on them. There appeared to be no fiddleheads nor spores on the undersides. They had no flowers or buds. There were 3 reasonably distinct versions of the pattern of the small leaves. (See scan). Anyone have any idea what these are? I hope the attachment worked, the computer SAID it did but you all know how that is.

    Attached Files:

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    An Umbellifer. Any odor? Looks like Conium maculatum. This is spotted and malodorous.
  3. IrishAirWolf

    IrishAirWolf Member

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    Oregon, USA
    Hmm. No real smell outside of being slightly "greenish" smelling. (I know that is not a great description but definitely not malodorus.) No black spots.
    I thought the 3 different fr0nd/bract patterns on 3 different variations of what seemed to be the same plant was interesting. Like I said, I thought it was a fern but the 3 variations throw me plus the no spores, no fiddleheads.

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