My son's girlfriend's mom (a farmer) gave us a plant for our backyard flower garden. She called it Farmer's Wife, but I have googled and searched everywhere and can't figure out what it is. Any help id'ing it would be greatly appreciated. Pics attached. At present it stands about waist high, as you probably can't tell the height from the pics. We are located about 5 minutes west of London, Ontario (Komoka).
Could be Rudbeckia laciniata 'Hortensia' but I can't say for sure without seeing the flowers. Welcome to the forum.
Hey, that could be it. Some of the pics I've seen online of the leaves are pretty close. Flowers are just starting to bud, so will post update once confirmed. Thanks! and thanks for the welcome. I may have one or two more to id soon!
Yes, Rudbeckia laciniata var. 'Hortensia', also known as Rudbeckia laciniata Golden Glow. Well liked heirloom, lovingly called Outhouse Plant.