My mother in-law is a bit of a local plant expert up here in Vermont USA. She was talking about a "fire bush" that she could never find more of. Turns out when I bought a new house there is one growing outside! I dont want to give her this one so Im trying very hard to find the actual name of this tall bush. It has about 10 flowers per stem and seems to be a fairly early boomer. I know its still early but I was wondering if anyone can help. Thank you.
It is a Rhododendron...not Fire bush! One commonly known as Azalea. There are 100's so impossible to take id any further. azalea pink - Google Search By the way several shrubs bear the name Fire bush. You must ask her the latin name of the one she wants. "fire bush" - Google Search
Rhododendron calendulaceum is known as flame azalea. Maybe that's the plant she was referring to. Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - The University of Texas at Austin
Thanks Eric...never come across Rhodo calendulaceum...called Flame Azalea. Rhododendron calendulaceum - Wikipedia
Thanks to both of you. You might have saved me having to give my bush to her. :) Thanks to you for taking the time.