Monkey Puzzle Tree with double stems!! I live in Chilliwack, BC. Five summers ago I acquired a two inch tall, double stemed monkey puzzle tree. It now is 3 ft. tall and both stems are about even in height and the tree is healthy. Should I cut the smallest stem off? Also, is it possible that one stem could be Male and the other Female? I will have to move the tree. When is the best time of the year to transplant it? Thank you, Jadd
Prune it off I would remove one of the double stems. If both stems originate from the same trunk then there is always the risk that one of them will break out in heavy snow, or wind. Part of the beauty of the Monkey Puzzle is its symmetrical shape. This effect is somewhat ruined by allowing two leaders to develop. If the two stems arise from a common trunk then both will be male, or female. But, if they are actually separate plants then it is a matter of probability whether they are different sexes.
Thank You - Alex Thank you for your response and advice. I also feel that the symmetry would be spoiled by the double developing trunks.
Alex, how are those granite hole markers doing out at the QE park? ( I ask as a former Cedar Rim employee) ;)