I do not know where I got the seeds from and what part of the world this plant originated in. It was quite a surprise when it came up. The leaves resemble corn leaves. Thank you!
I would say Crocosmia. It may have grown from a seed in your garden, but seems more likely that it grew from corms - maybe they were in the soil of something you planted.
The plant originates in South Africa, but is an invasive weed in many places. It is surprisingly hardy given its subtropical origins.
Might be common bigeneric hybrid 'Lucifer', rather than Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora. It's hard to say with this small of a view.
Eric was right, it is Crocosmia, it is pretty easy to control, dead head them if your worried about it spreading, and dig up any bulb divisions if you don't want them. I put extra plant stuff I don't want in a bag with a label at the end of my driveway, they always disappear. Carol Ja
I didn't look at the link until now, was referring to my suggestion of 'Lucifer' the second time as well. Bigeneric hybrids like 'Lucifer' are built differently than Montbretias, should be referred to as belonging to a hybrid genus rather than Crocosmia.