Disporum longistylum?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by wcutler, May 24, 2017.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I never trust my own ID on something I've never seen before. This is growing in a planter on the Seawall at the foot of Hornby. Narrow alternate leaves with parallel veins. White flowers with 5 tepals (? - nothing that looks like sepals, or would that be described as having white sepals and no petals?).
    Disporum longistylum?
    Disporum-longistylum_HornbySeabreezeWalk_20170521_155631.jpg Disporum-longistylum_HornbySeabreezeWalk_20170521_155646.jpg Disporum-longistylum_HornbySeabreezeWalk_20170521_155721.jpg Disporum-longistylum_HornbySeabreezeWalkl_20170521_155556.jpg Disporum-longistylum_HornbySeabreezeWalk_20170521_155819.jpg Disporum-longistylum_HornbySeabreezeWalk_20170521_155651.jpg

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