Does anyone have any idea what this could be? Appeared spontaneously this spring, in Doug fir forest in the Pacific North/Southwest. I'd appreciate your input, maybe bleeding heart? Thanks, Lizzy
Yes, it's in a disturbed location (logged 30 years ago), mostly Douglas fir, red alder and elderberry, with open pastures, on South Whidbey Island in Washington state. This is tucked underneath a Douglas fir with trailing blackberry running through. It's springing up beside a hairy honeysuckle. It's unlike anything on the 10 acres we have, and I have been over that site with a fine-tooth comb and identified pretty well everything except the mushrooms. It's unique and new; pity it's not a Dicentra formosa, I'm looking to plant some.
Yes, you could well be right, Daniel, thank you. I will continue to observe and see if it flowers. Just tell me it isn't noxious and I have to rip it out! (Just kidding. That would be like most of my pretty volunteers).
If that is what it is, it's a native species. Not as showy as something like Dicentra, but it has its own subtle charm.