Hi I have just been given a most unusual plant and was told that it was a devils backbone plant. I have been looking on the internet to find out more about the plant, and all the devils backbone plants look differant to mine. Mine plant is . About 1 metre tall . has leaves about half way up which have lots of little buds on that drop off to form new plants . Has very pink flowers at the top which kind of hang down . the stem curls a bit then is straight . the stem is about 1-2 cm thick can you please help me identify it? Leah Roberts leah.roberts@btopenworld.com
I have a plant that was given to me by a friend - she called it a "devils rope". Sounds the same as your description. unfortunately - when I looked on the internet for the name "devils rope" - the only sites I found were for barbed wire!
Devil's Backbone If you have't found the I.D. of your plant yet try a Google image search for Kalanchoe daigremontana and see it looks like your plant. I seem to remember seeing it called devil's backbone as well as the more common (to me) Mother-of thousands.
I, too, was given a "devil's backbone" but mine sounds completely different. Mine is a shrub that has stems that are reminiscent of a cross country skiers marks left when going up a hill. \\> <// \\> <//
devils backbone thanks everyone - I have quiet a bit of research to do now that you have all given me a name to look for. :)
I had also been given a plant called "Devils Backbone" mine was a green leafed shrub with stems that zigzagged. I did some looking and found that there are 2 types one is the Pedilanthus Nanus and the other is Pedilanthus Tithymaloides Variegata.