I had planted Delphinium Nuttallianum seeds last fall (2013), and didn't see any germination from them this spring. However, in a spot about 3 meters north from where I planted the seed in fall, I found two of this plant. I am wondering if it is D. Nuttallianum? The flowers look like larkspurs (even in one photo attached it looks like it has the spur protruding from the back?) however, the leaves are very fine, and needle like? It could be that the seed has been displaced by wind, which would explain their location change. However, from what research I could do on the internet, it seems like it takes this plant at least two years to flower when grown from seed. If this is indeed the seed from D. Nuttallianum, how is it that they are flowering now? They were sown Fall 2013, and have only one winter growing season. Those who have grown D. Nuttallianum from seed, is this possible? Kevin Jinn