I just read up on this plant. I have never seen it in this area. How prevelant is this plant in this zone. I can not figure out how this plant ended up in my garden. It does not seem to be indigenous to this area.
That looks like a cultivar of Datura metel. Datura produce abundant seeds, which germinate and grow readily in disturbed soil, so they appear frequently in cultivated areas. Seeds may have been brought into your garden by an animal from a neighbor's garden or may have come in with some soil or plants that you added to your garden. There has been a lot of discussion on the forums about daturas and brugmansias. The one you have is a beauty. Be cautious if children visit your garden, they are quite poisonous, although the leaves and fruit stink, so I don't think they would be too appealing. You can use the Search function (on the green bar at the top of the page) to find some of the other threads on this plant.
its a datura ballerina,i have four of them in my yard,they are toxic so beware of that.here is a pic of mine