I like this one. It has cute pairsy leaves and likewise tiny double pink blooms. I often leave it. No idea what this is.
I don't know what this is, but the person who starated this thread wants to know about a similar-looking plant: native herbaceous ID please | UBC Botanical Garden Forums I would merge the threads, but I'm not totally certain that they're the same, especially in your last photo. What's happening there - are those compound leaves?
Galeopsis - Wikipedia says that's hemp-nettle, a wide-spread weed, poisonous, though "some are used as medicinal herbs". Ron B, do you think the one in the other thread is the same genus/species?
Don't know where wikipedia gets that from, but I've never come across any mention of Galeopsis being poisonous, and several of the species are common natives here. Edit: wikipedia gets its toxicity quote from PFAF: https://pfaf.org/user/Plant.aspx?LatinName=Galeopsis Which in turn gets it from Komarov's Flora of the USSR, 1968. A fairly obscure reference for (UK-based) PFAF to have to go to, to get claims of toxicity for a widespread UK native plant. If it really was toxic, there would be numerous other sources warning about it. There aren't.
Estonian sources claim, that G. tetrahit is poisonous for horses. People don't use it as a food, so it is not specially stated, that Galeopsis was poisonous also for human consumption. The only thing is, that from seeds it is possible to extrude oil, that tastes good, but is not suitable for consumption as food, because may cause paralysis of limbs. This oil has been used for making varnish. Source: https://bio.edu.ee/taimed/oistaim/karekorv2.htm
That's useful to know, thanks - if I ever grow Galeopsis in my garden, I'll be careful not to allow any horses in to graze my garden :-))