Last year my mother received a plant, and at her behest, I planted it in the front garden. The person she got it from didn't know what it was, and so, I searched, but was unable to find much of anything that resembled it, hence my inquiry here. The plant seems to be doing quite well and in the last year it has exploded, growing at least twice, at most thrice, its original size. Really, I just want to put a name to the plant.. and maybe find out how it propagates, I'm thinking of spreading it in the backyard. Thank you, and hope you can help.
Euphorbia myrsinites. I never would have thought to look under the Euphorbiaceae genus. I've got a Euphorbia Milli that I keep indoors, but that has spines all along it- not at all resembling this plant in the yard. Either way, I know what it is now. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. ^,..,^