Hi A friend brought me a seed (more of a stone than seed) back from Cuba. It has finally sprouted and started to spread wings. It seems to be a climber of some sort. The leaves are a tad Mary Jane which freaked me out at first! The only description she can remember being given was "flower of the wood" so we don't know if it is native to that region or not! I should imagine that I planted it at completely the wrong time but it seems to being doing ok.... maybe slightly leggy due to lack of light! Any help would be appreciated!
Looks like one of the myriad Passifloras - once you get flowers it will become more obvious which one.
@ saltcedar Even in the early stages of growth! Maybe more growth is need before a positive ID Cheers for input!
Merremia tuberosa perhaps? http://keys.trin.org.au:8080/key-se...080d04/media/Html/taxon/Merremia_tuberosa.htm
@ saltcedar Think you are right the seeds look the same as what I planted! Thanks for the help! Now to research how to care for it :-)
Looks like Merremia / Convuvulos anyway. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merremia May be a Cuban species / variety. Take your time and look around. I'm sure you have better luck post flower. PS I am a Miami Cuban trying to connect with my islands plants. If your friend, or ANYONE, is has or will collect seeds of Cuba's flora PLEASE LET ME KNOW!