Hi there; This morning as I was weeding my day lily bed I found this little sprout growing on top of the soil, I'm not sure if it is a Liatris of not, I checked the following web sitehttp://www.perenials.com/seeplant.html?item=1.317.100 and it didn't say if the plant grows from bulb or what. I do have some of these plants growing in another perenial garden in another area, but i got it at a garden center and just planted it out of the ot without looking at the base. I have planted it in a small pot to see what comes of it. I plan on keeping a photo journal of my little plant to see how it goes. Thanks for any assisstance tat anyone can give. The third pics is day 4, #4 is Day 6 and #5 is day 7. Upon doing some research this is a liatris, the root is not a bulb but a little fat tuber. It was probably dropped of into my lily garden by a bird thinking it was a seed.