From the leaves I believe it to be Cornus Sanguinea. A rather mature example. It is a pity it was not in flower and bearing fruit. A confirmation would be very welcome.
the leaf shape, size, veins and color look correct for C. sanguinea. and it is native to your region? Cornus sericea is similar to these images also.
Thank you Susan, I will have to check whether the sp. sericea is to be found in the region where I live.
Susan, In southen Italy there are only two sp. of Cornus. These are Mas and Sanguinea. I posted this thread because I wasn't completely certain that the small tree was a Cornus. Since you recognise the leaves as belonging to Cornus, then I will file the photos. Thanks for your help. duffy
Cornus sericea is not native in Italy, but it is cultivated, and could potentially become naturalised so is a possible option. Having said that, the local native C. sanguinea is by far the more likely species.