Nice pics. Does anyone know the origin of this cultivar? Cappiello & Shadow merely state "Cornus kousa 'Teutonia' is occasionally listed but without description."
If they have a web site might be possible to get origination information on the dogwood, if it is mentioned there. May need to search using German for "nurseries" or similar term, at the moment I'm not remembering what I have seen used before.
Baumschulen. I expected "baum" but couldn't remember the rest. Looked at parts of site, saw no dogwood descriptions. Maybe there's something I didn't click on that leads to them.
Click on `Blumenhartriegel´ and you come to the dogwood-description; but there is no online-shop and so there is only very little information. You can get detailed information by email, just click on `Kontakt´.
That was the first link I tried earlier, but it didn't seem like they were describing the cultivar - I know little German. As might be expected from photos, online NOS Cornus Kousa Page says the big, wide bracts are the thing, but gives no cultivar history. However, Googling "kousa teutonia" produces numerous hits. Scrolling through such a search result might lead to discovery of background information on a site somewhere.