Hi, I am trying to identify the issue of my corn plant. I just bought it and repotted it about a week ago. I think I overwatered it first as the tips were brown, but since then, other yellow stains appeared. Any idea of the issue? Cold? Thank you.
Perhaps damage due to fluorine in the water. Growing Indoor Plants with Success | UGA Cooperative Extension
Hum, interesting, how to know for sure? Could it be from not enough water? After I overwatered, I did not water it for a while (~10 days)
Perhaps you can make an inquiry with the local government utility responsible for delivering water. Here's an old thread with a similar problem, also from your area: Brown spots on Massangeana leaves
I think the response to not enough water is droopy, not yellowed, leaves. Another thread right now had the comment that you should look at some distance at the level of the leaves when the plant is well-watered, and look again for them to be at some lower level when you think the plant needs watering.
I think the complaint was about the yellow splotches on the leaf margins. They are not supposed to be there, just the yellow stripes down the centre of the leaves.