The following was received via email: i cannot for the life of me figure out what kind of tree i keep seeing everywhere. I'm in south Florida and everywhere i look i see this tree. It gets very tall, very bare, only a few leaves around the flowers, which range in color, white, pink, light pink, red yellow, very small flowers. Originally i thought it to be a desert rose, but it isn't. This tree in question gets very tall and is very bare and branchy. Please if you have any idea what it might be, right back. thank you so much.
I looked up common landscape trees in S. Fla. I only found a few that fit your description. My best guess would be Tabebuia. Plumeria also comes in those colours, but the blooms are large (I think). Cassia also comes in many colours, but images on the web looked very full and green to me. These are just guesses of course. It just seems that if your are seeing them everywhere they must be a common tree there.