Identification Help Hello, I have two outdoor plants that I am trying to identify. I live in Enland, but my mom is from Texas and she identified them right away. Unfortunately, I do not remember what she called them. Even a classification would be helpful. Thank you.
The first picture looks like Choisya ternata. The new leaves appear to be yellow so your plant could possibly be a cultivar called 'Sundance'. My guess for the second plant is Aucuba japonica 'Variegata' I hope these names help.
As if names weren't confusing enough already for some plants, the introduction of "trade names" has emerged to cause more hair-pulling. Sundance is a tradename for the cultivar Choisya ternata 'Lich'. No other plant can be marketed under the name Sundance, I believe, although a plant can have it as its cultivar name... So, I can sell you "Sundance", which means Choisya ternata 'Lich', or I can sell you Magnolia 'Sundance' or Hosta 'Sundance' but I have to say Magnolia or Hosta when referring to the latter. I don't have the information up yet, but I'm teaching a course on plant names in the spring, FYI.