Hello, I recently purchased a home in phx, az, and there is this large palm in the front, but I cannot find anything online to help identify it. What kind of palm is it? The name, really, is what I need to be able to find out more about it. It may look small, but it is very big. Must be 20+ years old...? Thank you!
It does look like a Phoenix canariensis, as for 20+ years, in your climate, i wouldnt think so......i read somewhere they can have an adult size trunk in 7 years, best guess would be 10-15yrs...retail price here of that size £600-£1000 maybe a bit more.
Hi - Thanks for your replies. I've been looking up Phoenix canariensis and I have not found any that are like this. The ones I've seen are really tall with slim trunks. This one cant be one of those... I could not see this palm reaching such height. After speaking with a neighbor, that's where I got the "around 20 or more" years number. The leaf span is about 35 feet. The height is about 45. The trunk is 5 1/2 feet high and about 4 1/2 wide. Someone in my old neighborhood had one of these too. But it is much smaller, and it's been there since around 1980. There must be another name for this palm... These are pretty rare around here. This is only the second one I've seen... noticed. Any other name possibilities? Thank you.
My thought was Phoenix canariensis too - bear in mind it is still fairly young (so it isn't so tall yet), and that, with age, a lot of those old leaf stubs on the trunk will fall off, leaving the actual trunk rather less stout-looking. Here's one that looks fairly similar: http://www.plantapalm.com/vpe/photos/Species/Pics/phoenix_canariensis_timaru.jpg
phoenix is the box hedge or ivy wall of the palm world ..very common.. we have them here in London..but that is a beauty