It was posted as a lilac, but lilacs have heart-shaped leaves. Persian lilac leaves are not serrate. I thought it might be buddleia, but again, the leaves are different. It is in Winnipeg, quite a distance from the Pacific Northwest (or, as my late, proudly Canadian, Vancouver resident father called it, the Pacific SOUTHwest!), but I hope someone might recognize it: not lilac by Jeanie Dubberley, on Flickr
Sorry cannot make out enough detail. Wonder if it is Clerodendrum bungei? Leaves opposite... terminal flowers with 5 petals.
Thank you, but I don't think so. The leaves are very different, and the one I'm asking about is quite large, like a big lilac, while the one you suggest seems to be a much smaller plant.
Howdy from someone who has moved the opposite way! One of the first places I like to check out when looking for Manitoba-hardy ornamental plants is the catalogue at JEFFRIES NURSERIES LTD. - HOME -- so I was pretty surprised to see something similar on that very first page. It looks like it is one of the Preston lilacs, first hybridized by Isabella Preston in Ottawa in the early 20th century (history here: ) I suspect it is perhaps 'Donald Wyman' (which does have these wavy-margined leaves), but have a look through the other Syringa cultivars on the Jeffries catalogue: It may require getting photos of autumn leaf colour to pin it down (or possibly a trip out to Jeffries to compare flowering heads side-by-side)
Thank you so much! I'm not very knowledgeable about plant varieties at all, so I was unaware that there were lilacs with very un-lilac-like leaves. I very much appreciate your response, which has saved me the embarrassment of "correcting" someone incorrectly!