These are but a few of the lovely flowers on my Costa Rican trip. Can anyone help me know what they are?
1-bird of paradise 2- golden shrrimp 3-if attached to surrounding plants,it a form of ginger not sure of the rest
1 = Heliconia psittacorum 2 = Pachystachys lutea 3 = Etlingers species 4 = Russelia equisetiformis 5 = Do not know 6 = Costus speciosus 7 = Clerodendrum paniculatum 8 = I do not recollect the name, but it is from Acanthaceae family, Shall lwt you know later.
Thank you so very much one and all. You're awesome. I know the first one is not a strelitzia because I grow some here in Los Angeles and they grow in clumps and don't resemble these. I figured it was some sort of heliconia maybe and it probably is that. One of the gardens gave it some sort of local name, like Indian or Chief's feather or some such thing but I neglected to jot it down.