Hello, I'm a new member here and I've been trying for some time to find a name for this plant, can you help please? the one in the picture is quite young and seems to grow in the wild. it can reach 8-10'(two are seen in the background the one on the left not so clear. it released a copious amount of milky liquid when wounded (not irritating to skin because I had a drop or two accidentally on my fingers with no effect) and has flowers in clusters seen in the insert. I tried to find how it is propagating but did not find any seeds although the pattern of distribution seems to indicate it ( they grow within 50-100 feet from each other).
Try a google search for (Milkweed shrub,) Calotropis procera or Asclepias procera By the way do not get sap in your eyes as it can temporary blindness
Calotropis procera That is absolutely correct and thanks Greenthumb for the advice. I found a match in this website http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/images.../Asteridae/Asclepiadaceae/Calotropis_procera/ does anybody have ideas about seed collection? I examined all the flowers and looked in the dried ones but found nothing.