Growing in partial shade on the West side of a maple tree and this photo was taken today. I would like to know what it is and how to propagate it.
Welcome to the forums! Arum . Probably Arum maculatum. Can be an invasive thug.
hello Arum maculatum fruit stalks after the flowers have been pollinated these red fruits will appear. Careful they are poisonous look at the wikipedia link provided in a previous post on the right side about halfway down the page is a picture similar to yours
Or try this... First come the flowers. See... After they are pollinated you get the red berries which contain the seeds.
Could also be Arum italicum, which is more widely a problem as an invasive species than A. maculatum.
Yes, this will be Arum italicum - that is what you see on properties here. Local independent outlets stock selected forms with extra markings on the leaves. Sometimes people have large patches of the plant.