Hi, can anybody please identify the following for me, and let me know whether they are native to British Columbia or have been naturalized? I believe the first 5 are types of gymnosperms, and the second last one is a type of algae (have been unable to identify it) and the last one is a type of moss (also unable to identify). Additionally, could anyone let me know where I could get another sample of algae, other than the one shown, near and around lower mainland of British Columbia. Any help is greatly appreciated :D
1 - Western Redcedar Thuja plicata (BC native) 2 - probably Mountain Pine Pinus mugo (a clearer pic of the cone would help) (BC not native) 3 - probably Limber Pine Pinus flexilis (a clearer pic of the cone would help) (BC native, but only in the southeast, not in the Vancouver area) 4 - Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis (BC not native) 5 - a pine Pinus, not identifiable without better specimens Not sure about the moss (6) or algae (7). For other algae - a quick trip down to the beach at low tide will get you plenty of species of seaweed, which are algae.