i'm still wondering whether this tree/shrub is a standard lilly-pilly or a standard fiscus. i just love the "white" trunk. i went to the nursery but i can't find the white color trunk...all i see at the nursery is brown color trunk...could it be once the tree reaches maturity it turns white?
hi rima..have u tried clicking onto the photo? from there you can magnify it to see it bigger. I saw this lovely tree growing in my neighbourhood..i don't want to feel like a ...u know what...if i take a close up photo of this tree. i've done some search on the net... most likely that it's a standard ficus...but don't know which kind of ficus it is...could be "indigo". My other question is, what's the difference between a standard ficus and a standard lilly pilly? which one grows taller?
All that does is make a bigger pic of the tree, but not well enough to ID leaves (and we don't call anything Lilly Pilly in N.Amer. that I know of, so maybe someone down under will help.
All we can see so far is clipped blobs from across the street, which go out of focus when clicked to enlarge. If you can get back there and get close-ups likely you will get much better results here. Sunset WESTERN GARDEN BOOK: "LILLY-PILLY TREE. See ACMENA smithii"