This is growing in my yard in Ohio. It's next to cucumbers and zucchinis in a small spot where i dug up the grass to plant a sunflower seed. The sunflower never grew, but this did. The flowers look similiar to the ones that grow on zucchini plants, and the leaves are shaped somewhat like cucumber leaves. Can anyone help?
Looks like it belongs to the genus Cucurbita . Common things being common, either a pumpkin or a squash. You will find out when fruits start to set.
You might not know even then ... we've had unusual Cucurbita volunteers that we eventually named Puccini's because they had the colour of a pumpkin and the shape of a zucchini. I understand that the cucurbits are .. um .. somewhat promiscuous in their pollination but someone with more experience and knowledge in Cucurbit genetics can probably set me straight on this. Don Surrey, B.C.