Weeding the vegetable garden, there have been lots of new plants that have sprung up this year. I came across this one, which had been nibbled by something... Can anyone identify it? The parts that have been nibbled at are firm- hard, and it has some roots that are almost like orchid roots. I don't want to dig it up if there is a chance it could come back and is worth keeping. There is nothing else like it in the garden. I live in Victoria, BC. Thanks!
Doesn't look very allium like either, although an onion scent from bruised or broken foliage would be the tell-tale sign. Could be crocosmia... Do you have any planted there?
It does have a bit of a garlicky onion smell to the leaves when they are crushed... but I have never seen onion looking like this. We have no clue what could have been planted there in the past. We were thinking that old dormant plants were shocked into reproducing this year.
Try digging just one of them up. If it looks like an onion or garlic, then it's an onion, or garlic. If it continues to look like a flower bulb, let it be and see what happens when it blooms.
They really don't look like onions to me. Onions have hollow stems. They look more like garlic or even daffodils! - The smell will be a great clue!
Please post more photos as the plant grows. Are there any old seedheads left from it that you could post photos of? (Does the seedhead in the upper left corner of the first photo belong to the plant in question?)