I photo'd this in south Texas just inland from the Gulf Coast south of Houston in abandoned rice fields (heavy clay, very wet). The flowers are very small, I hesitate to guess, but I'm thinking maybe in the borage family--but then, I'm an amateur. Any help very much appreciated.
Umm, as I've said, I'm an amateur, but I didn't know corn salad had that fleshy, swollen pedicel. The Valerianella pictures I've got don't show that. Am I missing something? Always eager to learn--
I believe what you are referring to in the photo is not a pedicel. Valerianella has an inferior ovary. Also, note the dichotomous branching.
Thank you. That's the trouble with pictures--I've looked repeatedly, and can't see such an obvious inferior ovary in the photos. Next time I see it, I'll know. Thanks again.