I found a few of these wild plants growing beside a sulphur stream in S.Italy. The photographs were taken on the 17th April of this year. I haven't a clue what the plants are called. Hoping a member can help with the ID.
Thank you Tyrlych, It isn't Valeriana, I am very familiar with all Valeriana species that are to be found in my area.
Hello Tydrych, Yes, You are quite correct! It is Valeriana officinalis! I think I must be getting very old...not far from 80 years. I know, or I thought I knew, this plant very well. What confused me was the reddish colour of the lower section of the main stem. The officinalis sp. that I have often come across and photographed, are mountain Valeriana officinalis, whereas the species you correctly identified I found growing at an elevation of 60m. The photographs I am sending you now were taken at an elevation around 1,200 m high in our local mountains. The difference between the 2 examples must obviously be the lush, water side and warmer location. The attached photographs are of an example growing in a shaded and much cooler location at a much lower elevation. This particular area is also quite humid. All these variables I should have taken into account. The leaves of both examples are identical. I am having difficulty uploading my files. Okay and thanks. Now, having examined my photographs, I see the stem of this particular plant also has red (VEINS/LINES) along the stem.