Bear with me - new camera and after working over 20 years in the same place, I've 'discovered' the local flora. I've taken photos of two different flowers that people tell me are death camas. They look very unlike any online images which claim to be death camas. The first just looks like a common camas that forgot it was supposed to be blue and in fact it was a lone white camas found in a field of blue ones. The second is in bloom now and has some similarities to the common camas and as well the death camas images I've seen. Thanks, Bob
these are 2 different types of plant. the first one looks like a crocus of some type. Don't know the second one. Again I could be wrong, but I always like to try...
Thanks! Still no death camas then. I didn't realize Camassia quamash could be white as well. Of the tens of thousands at work I found two white ones. And Brodiaea hyacinthina isn't even a camas although at least it's in the same family. Looks like it's also a native plant here. Thanks for the ID!