Hi everyone, I wanted to ask all of you if can help me with an identification of a Cacti, the place is in north of Argentina (Catamarca) Thanks! Cheers
I think it is some kind of Echinopsis, subgenus Trichocereus, a group that I am not particularly familiar with so I cannot guess what species it is.
Echinopsis subdenudata is the closest match I could find. Could not find any images of a mature specimen such as yours to further verify an id. Wonderful photos - thank you for sharing them
Echinopsis eyriesii - a friend who grows 1000's of Cacti suggested this one.... He also suggested E. oxygona is another possibility. I trust him to know more about the mature size.
1. Are we discussing one or two types? The plant in the upper pictures looks shorter and less spiny, but perhaps it is a younger version of the plant in the bottom pictures? 2. What size are the plant(s)? E. eyriesii, oxygona and ancistrophora (subdenudata) are all much smaller than a typical Trichocereus.