Hi everyone, Can anyone help me identify this plant? It is on a single stock, no leaves, just flowers, the only colour is red. Very isolated, no close neighbours. I've only noticed this plant this year and have seen it only 3 or 4 times in all my hiking. It likes shade, with lots of tall trees growing around it. This plant is on the south east side of Vancouver Island, in the Cowichan Valley. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/indistinct/23319450/
Hello Kaa, These are the seedpods of a Corallorhiza, or coral-root (it's an orchid). I can't tell from the picture which one of the four species in BC it might be, though. You can see a photo of it in flower in this thread, albeit from Wisconsin.
Wonderful; Thank you Daniel! Your response was so quick given that I've never seen this orchid in these woods (and I've been hiking there for over 20 years). Come to think of it, I've NEVER seen an orchid (at least knowingly) in these parts. Again, thank you!