Hi all, Can anyone tell me what the plants are in the piccies? They're my photos... The pink/purple was by a woodland path late may/early june - 3m from a lake - iris perhaps? The blue one was in someone's garden, early/mid-june. Thanks in advance... Mark
First one is a crucifer (mustard relation), from the color and habitat possibly cuckoo flower (Cardamine pratensis). "The name CUCKOO FLOWER was explained in 1597 by John Gerarde: 'These floure for the most part in Aprill and May, when the Cuckow begins to sing her pleasant notes without stammering.' Other names are LADY'S SMOCK, BREAD AND MILK, MEADOW CRESS, SPINKS, MILKMAIDS, and CUCKOO SPIT." -Jacobson, WILD PLANTS OF GREATER SEATTLE The other looks like a borage family plant, maybe a forget-me-not (Myosotis) an alkanet (Anchusa), or another.
Hi Ron, With your suggestions I did some google image searching and I'm convinced you're right on both counts - Cuckoo Flower and Alkanet. Great help :) Mark