Bizarre Growths on Leaves of Aspen? Beech?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by ara, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. ara

    ara New Member

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    Quincy, ma, usa
    I hope someone can help me.
    Usually these leaves in our condo yard turn a beautify variety of colors form the center outward in the fall (I live in Massachusetts). This year, they are all turning dark brown and falling off the tree. There are some scary looking growths on the underside of the leaves, and on the top side of the leaves, red spots, ringed in brown occur.
    I have attached photos below.
    These are NOT apple, crabapple or pear trees.
    I have exhausted all dichotomous keys (I have a bio degree) and cannot ID these trees.
    Since I live in a condo, I cannot call a tree service and ask - that costs $$ that the Trustees aren't willing to spend.
    If I can come up with a lead as to what this may be, perhaps I can get their attention and save the 10 or so trees affected with this stuff on our property.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Attached Files:

  2. ara

    ara New Member

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    Quincy, ma, usa
    I did some more investigigation itno the type of tree this may be - according to the LeafSnap app - it is possibly a
    1)Callery Pear (teensy little fuits - not what I expected a pear tree to look like)
    2)Paper Mulburry, or
    3)a Silver Linden.

    All 3 show similar flowers, fruits, petioles and leaves.

    I check on the cranberry trees on the property as well -they have some sort of growths on the leaves as well, but NOTHING like the circular, bulbous things on the leaves in the picture. The growths on the crabapple leaves are filimentous and delicate and have not invaded the entire tree.

    I know I am not in CA, but I would relly appreciate any help or direction anyone can give me.

    If it makes a difference, I DO participate in CitSci projects based on the graduate work I did in invasive plant and insect species - so I am not jsut some crazy individual looking for free answers. I truly care about his stuff -if it is an invasive thing - I need to let the appropriate sources know. I have tried to contact them but so far, they have not returned my emails....perhaps a CItSci project is tracking this odd virus/fungus/growth and would like to know about its presence - but I need a name!!

    Thanks again,
  3. pierrot

    pierrot Active Member 10 Years

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    British Columbia
  4. ara

    ara New Member

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    Quincy, ma, usa
    Re: pear rust/Gymnosporangium sabinae

    Yup. That's it... Or Gymnosporangium sabinae. A leaf ID app tentatively id'd the trees as callary pears. Problem is finding out how to successfully treat it. Looks like our condo is gonna be out about 12 large trees due to this stuff as they won't spend money to have the branches properly pruned and removed - which prob won't work anyway due to the widespread infestation.
    Serves the Trustees right for not hiring a proper landscaping company and going with guys that they find hanging out in the local Home Depot lot looking for work!!!!!
    Thank you very much for your input.
  5. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Just for the record, we're happy to have you wherever you're from, and even if you are an individual looking for free answers. That's what we're here for. You can tell your non-scientist friends they're welcome here too.

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