Hi, am new to all this but am trying to find the name of a big leaf plant. It grows well near water and has complete leaves, i.e. no break in them at all. Water stays on leaf like a bowl. It's stem comes from the center of the leaf, bit like an unbrella that blow inside out. Hope someone can help. Thanks
geshundeit...just kidding I googled Nelumbo. It's a beautiful leaf and flower. This lily seems to grow in water, not near, as Sally described. Sally - if you could describe the leaf size etc, if posting a photo is not possible or confirm where the plant grows? Thanks
Sally it looks like a Rodgersia tabularis a.k.a. Astilboides tabularis I found this info on a website..... Highly valued for its fabulously bold, tropicalesque foliage, this native of China & Japan forms big clumps, 3’ to 4’ tall & across. The beautiful leaves, like large, rounded, shallowly lobed fans, are light green & softly hairy. Bloom time is from May to July, when the strong, dark, upright stems display plume-like spikes of numerous, tiny, creamy white, star-shaped flowers. Astilboides tabularis likes part shade to bright shade, rich, composty soil & cool, moist conditions. A good choice for growing next to a pond or moist corner. Takes several years to get a good-sized clump. A.M. Sun/Brt. Shade Moist soil Perennial USDA zones 3-10
hi folks, sorry but my leaf wasn't furry it was glossy and i'm sure its not a lily. it was growing near water but not in it. any more ideas please? Thanks, Sally
And I'm almost sure it's a Darmera. Show a picture of the flowerhead if you can, there appears to be a flower stalk in the closeup view.