i have three of these trees in the yard of my rental house and i really want to find some to purchase for my residence but have absolutely no idea what they are! Can somebody tell me? I have searched for images on the internet that look like this tree but cannot find any exact. It flowers in the spring every year with pretty white flowers about the size of three to four inches in diameter and NOT in clumps. It sheds it's leaves in the fall and the limbs are all intertwined almost woven and still have a full canapoly WITHOUT leaves in the winter time which is quite impressive (sorry i do not have winter or early spring photos). Suckers like to grow on the trunk and i keep them strimmed closely. I also trim the canopy to the actual knot part of the trunk but it will actually grow straight down to the ground if you let it every single year. Thank you for any help that you can provide. please email me at ike7101@hotmailDOTcom with a subject line of "Trees" so that my email filter will not move it to Junk folders. Thank you Lyn
Hey Ike, not sure what the tree is, but it looks familiar. I released your post but replaced the period in your email address with"DOT". And just as a reminder to all members: Why you shouldn't put your email address in messages Why I (and others) don't reply via email For contact between members, we encourage the use of Private Messaging Welcome to the forums Ike, I am sure someone will be able ID your trees.