Okay, we were wondering if it was chokecherry. Preparation = large quantities of sugar!! But then..... mmm, jam!
Yep, good for jam. But you'll need to wait until the fruit is ripe (black in western populations of Chokecherry as here, red in eastern populations).
I learned something else new today - I didn't know chokecherries were red elsewhere. I have only seen them here! Either that or I had seen them and didn't know what they were, 'cuz they weren't black..... :-)
Yep; actually three varieties: Prunus virginiana var. virginiana - eastern North America Prunus virginiana var. melanocarpa - western North America (except SW) Prunus virginiana var. demissa - California, Nevada Ref: http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?30151