I'm very new at this, and trying to identify some plants and trees on our lot before we start developing. Are any of the following invasive species? Plant 1: Plant 2: Plant 3: I'd like to start with those three, but there are a few more along with blackberries in the ravine. If it helps, all three of these are groving in full sunlight.
Hi kicker, Believe it's Indian plum, Oemlaria cerasiformis. Not invasive here, but the blackberries are bad , expect you know. Can attach images here by scrolling down to "manage attachments" box when you're posting.
Thanks, like I said, we're very new to this. Are the berries on the Indian Plum edible to animals? Here a couple more I'm trying to figure out: (I'll try attaching them)
Yes, including humans. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oemleria_cerasiformis My ID's (guesses) for the plants: 1. Pteridium aquilinum (bracken fern) 2. Rubus parviflora (thimble berry) 3. Rubus spectabilis (salmon berry) 4. another Rubus, don't know species 5 and 6. Digitalis (foxglove) 7 and 8. probably another bracken fern, not yet unfurled 9. R. parviflora again, with bloom
>3. Rubus spectabilis (salmon berry)< R. ursinus, actually. >4. another Rubus, don't know species< R. laciniatus