Yes, flowering rush! Thanks, Michael. Couldn't find it in my field guides. I've been photographing it for 2 or 3 years. Regards- Don
Since it's growing wild, it should be added to the guides. Books on wild plants of a region that ignore those of foreign origin aren't doing the whole job.
Good point. I haven't been able to find a comprehensive wildflower guide for Michigan. If anyone knows of one please advise.
There's so many European species invasive in your region that it might even be worthwhile getting a European field guide! A small, cheap one like Fitter & Blamey Wild Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe (Collins) wouldn't cost much. The only problem is it wouldn't say which ones you do have as invasives - you'd need to check your idents against something like the USDA Plants Profiles website to see if they are listed (that's how I confirmed that Butomus was in your area).
Thanks all for the input. The Audubon Wildflower guide seems worthwhile with above average photos but lacking in non native coverage. A European guide sounds like a good idea.